GETTING STARTED AS A CATECHIST – from the Archdiocese of Chicago

An Ecclesial Approach to Catechetical Methodology

Catechist Websites for Class Activities & Formation:

Liturgical Calendar & Sunday Lectionary

Bible Resources:

Good Bible Translations are the Douay-Rheims or the RSV. The NAB is the translation used for the lectionary (the readings we hear at Mass).

What is the Lectionary?

The lectionary is the book that provides the readings from the bible that are proclaimed at Mass. The entire bible is not included in the lectionary; only portions or sections of the bible are read at Mass.

The Sunday Lectionary is divided into a cycle of three years: A, B, and C. Year A features the Gospel of Matthew, Year B features the Gospel of Mark along with John Chapter 6, and Year C features the Gospel of Luke. Each year the Gospel of John is read during the Easter and Lenten Seasons. The Weekday Lectionary is divided into a cycle of two years: Year 1 (odd numbered years) and Year 2 (even numbered years).


USCCB Catholic Social Teaching

Vatican.vaRead official Church documents including Encyclicals, Audiences, & Apostolic Letters 

Daily Gospel Reflection:

Seasons & Feast Days:

Saint of the Day:

Faith Apps:

  • iBreviary – pray the liturgy of the hours, follow along with Mass, and view the complete text for the Celebration of Sacraments

  • Holy Habits – a Catholic habit tracking app to help you grow in sanctity

  • Discerning Hearts – podcasts and prayers on Catholic spirituality and teaching

  • Ascension – read along with Fr. Mike the Bible & the Catechism, daily reflections

  • Hallow – prayers, meditations, and how to pray

  • Formed – watch Formed content on the go

  • Amen – Free Catholic prayer app from the Augustine Institute

  • The Contemplative Rosary

  • EWTN kids shows, daily mass, shows and movies

  • Relevant Radio – Catholicism 101 & The Saints Podcast

  • Shining Light Dolls Saint of the Day

  • MyCatholicLife – daily reflections and other resources

Classroom Management:

Reflective Music for Meditation and Music for Individual/Group Work:

Personal Development as a Disciple