Season of Stewardship
“…you are strangers and aliens no longer. No, you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God.” Ephesians 2:19
A Message from Fr. Steven Bauer, Pastor of St. Alphonsus Parish
We here at St. Alphonsus, are members of the household of God. God has richly blessed our household. From our extraordinarily beautiful worship, to our thriving school, to our vibrant ministries and so much more, God has abundantly blessed the household of faith here at St. Alphonsus.
Like any household, it is important for us to thank God for all his blessings, but also to steward and care for the blessings given so that they are there for the next generation as they have been for us.
Our parish is, in many ways like your household. We need to plan and budget carefully for everyday expenses as well as the long-term maintenance and repair of our parish home. It is good stewardship to do so.
We have a wonderful household of faith that has been built on the people who have gone before us and, ultimately, built on Christ himself. I have been privileged to call this parish home for over seven years, and have the firm belief that a parish thrives because of the members of its community. Please help us to care for our household so that future generations can also call St. Alphonsus their home.
It is in this spirit that I am asking you to seriously consider three requests during our Season of Stewardship:
Give Your First Fruits
I invite you to join me in giving your “First Fruits”, or your first hour’s pay, to the weekly offertory. If you haven’t already done so, please enroll in our electronic giving program, GiveCentral, online here. If you are already enrolled in GiveCentral, please consider increasing your offering as you are able. Your purposeful planned giving not only helps to stabilize our income but enables the growth of the ministries we can offer.
If you'd like guidance on how to steward your gifts of treasure, learn more on our first-fruits page.
Pledge Your Legacy
Please commit a pledge to our Legacy Campaign to care for the capital needs of our campus. Our buildings are beautiful but aging. As Christian stewards, it is our privilege and responsibility to tend to our parish home and make it even better for future generations. Learn more about our Campaign and its funding priorities at before making your pledge.
Parishioners will receive a letter prior to our Commitment Weekend on Sunday, February 17 with a suggested pledge.
Stay Connected
Please take three minutes to update your parish record so that we can invite you to stay connected with St. Alphonsus. Fill out this form and provide your information so that our communications and invitations reach you.