Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life?

These resources may be able to help!

If you have any questions during the process, feel free to contact our office at (773) 525-0709.

USCCB Prayer and Discernment Resources

Including How to Pray, Different Ways to Pray, and Tools for Discernment.

Archdiocese of Chicago Vocations Website

Learn more about the Priesthood, Lay or Religious Vocations, becoming a Deacon, and information on Lay Eccesial Ministry.

Visit the Website of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg for a Reading List of books on Vocational Discernment, Celibacy, and Magisterial Documents.

Institute on Religious Life

Religious Life is a Precious and Essential Gift to the People of God

The mission of the Institute on Religious Life is to strengthen religious life in our country, to guide it on the path to authentic renewal, to educate religious, to support their works, and to inspire vocations in their service to the Church and their consecration to Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

If you want to dive deeper into how God may be calling you, check out the Vocation Search to learn about various male and female religious communities, and try a Discernment Retreat to visit an order and learn more about their charism.

Visit religiouslife.com to learn more.

Religious Ministries

The decision to dedicate one's life to the service of God is a much different one than that of choosing a career.

Visit their website to learn more about the Commitment, the Need for Prayer, Personal Characteristics Needed, and the various Vocations in the Church.

What is my Vocation?

Vocation comes from the Latin word "vocare" meaning "to call." God calls each and every one of us to a specific mission in life. The Lord created you to be unique and unrepeatable, so you are the only one who can fulfill the mission you were created for. A vocation requires a full gift of self, whether it be a full gift of yourself to your spouse in Marriage, to your parish and Christ's people in Priesthood, or to your religious community and to the Lord in Consecrated Life. Do not be afraid. God is with you and desires to fill you with His love, mercy, and grace. 

If you earnestly desire to discover how God is calling you, pray daily, volunteer and serve others, and research different states of life.

These video series may be helpful in discernment:

Behind the Collar (Diocesan Priesthood)

Behind the Veil (Women's Religious Orders)

Behind the Habit (Men's Religious Orders)

Go to vocationministry.com/resources/discerning to learn more.

Vision Vocation Network

Read through their Frequently Asked Questions about Vocations and check out their Video Page to learn more about Discernment and Individual Communities.


A Spiritual Director is recommended while discerning a vocation. Learn how to Find and Choose the right Spiritual Director for you. The book, Navigating the Interior Life, is also recommended to know if you are actually ready for a spiritual director or not, to help you to prepare for Spiritual Direction sessions, and how to assess your root sin and progress in the spiritual life.

SeekDirection.appis another resource to help in finding a Spiritual Director.