Mass Intention


Those wishing to honor a loved one during the celebration of Mass may request a Mass Intention. Mass intentions are made for the living and deceased and provide opportunities for prayerful remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other special intentions.

Click here to request a Mass Intention.

The faithful make a free will offering, often $15, to St. Alphonsus Parish in order to apply the Mass to a specific intention. By making this offering, the faithful associate themselves more intimately with Christ who offers Himself in the Sacred Host, and obtain thereby more abundant fruits (refer to Pope Paul VI's letter "Firma in Traditione" of June 13, 1974). Upon confirmation of your Mass Intention date, you will be invited to make a free will offering.

After you make your request, our parish Office Manager, Mario Serrano, will be in touch to discuss next steps. If you have questions for Mario, please contact him at 773-525-0709 or

Mass Intention Requests By Mail/In-Person

If you prefer to mail in your Mass Intention Date request or visit us during our rectory's office hours, you may download a PDF Mass Intention Date Request form. 

Click here to download a PDF Mass Intention Date Request form.