Our parish is participating in the Generation to Generation: Answer the Call campaign, please click this above logo to learn more!
Our parish is participating in the Generation to Generation: Answer the Call campaign, please click this above logo to learn more! 〰️
Lenten Fish Fry Friday, March 28, 6:30 PM-9 PM. Click on the logo above for Tickets and to Volunteer!
Lenten Fish Fry Friday, March 28, 6:30 PM-9 PM. Click on the logo above for Tickets and to Volunteer! 〰️
FORMED is the premier Catholic streaming service, bringing beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals around the world. You can now access award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, ebooks, and family-friendly kids’ programming.
THE CATHOLIC FAITH. ON DEMAND. To sign up for free: 1. Visit signup.formed.org 2. Enter St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (the one in Chicago!)
A vibrant & dynamic Catholic parish called to love & serve Christ, and our neighbor in Sacraments and service.
Sunday Mass is at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5:00 PM in English. Sunday Mass in Spanish at 12:30 PM. Daily Mass is at 8:30 AM Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat, and at 6 PM on Wed.
Children ages 4-7 are invited to join us during the 9am Sunday Mass for Children's Liturgy of the Word!
The children will hear the Word of God proclaimed in a way that they can understand, enter into prayer, and learn how to actively participate in the Mass! No sign up required. Children will be called up to the front of the Church near the beginning of Mass for a blessing, and Parents may accompany shy/hesitant children to make them feel more comfortable. Upcoming CLOW Dates are March 9th, March 30th, May 4th, June 1st. Questions? Contact Emily at eember@stalphonsuschicago.church